Music and Dance page title

Music has shaped the Cuban culture, and you will find yourself dancing wherever you go. From the salsa and jazz clubs, to impromptu jam sessions on the streets of Havana, you will feel the rhythm of the Cuban people. There is also an annual International Jazz Festival which brings together musicians from all over the world.

Explore Music and Dance - Litz Alonzo Dance Explore Music and Dance - Cuba Ballet
Explore Music and Dance - FAC Concert Explore Music and Dance - Zorra y El Cuervo
Explore Muaic and Dance - Zorra y el Cuervo Explore Music and Dance - Havana Jazz Festival
Explore Muaic and Dance - Chucho Valdez Explore Music and Dance - Jesse Trumpet
Explore Music and Dance - Tropicana Explore Muaic and Dance - Zorra y el Cuervo